My friend, is there a circumstance in your life or in the life of someone you care about that you desperately want to see change? Are you praying for a move from God today, dear heart? If so, come with me as we take a look at a familiar story and see what encouragement we can find today. We are going to be journeying through the book of Esther in the Old Testament. However, our focus will not be on the beautiful and courageous Esther, but on her cousin and adopted father Mordecai.
For those who do not know the story, here’s a brief introduction. Mordecai had adopted and raised his cousin Esther who is later chosen to be the new queen of Persia, the land where many Jewish captives now lived. Haman, an enemy of the Jews and the king’s top official is infuriated when Mordecai refuses to bow before him like everyone had been ordered to do. Haman is not satisfied with just getting rid of Mordecai; he wants to kill all the Jews in the kingdom.
The king, who did not know that his new queen was a Jew, agrees to allow all the Jews living in his kingdom to be killed. Chapter four of Esther opens with Mordecai covered in sackcloth and ashes and crying bitterly. Mordecai and all the Jews throughout the kingdom were in grave danger as their date of execution had been set. Hamam even went as far as to prepare gallows in his own yard to hang Mordecai on. Mordecai and the Jews needed a move from God!
If you read the rest of the story, and I highly recommend that you do, you will see just how God moved for Mordecai and His people. It is a fascinating story that highlights how God is always moving and working even when we don’t see it. In fact, God was putting the solution in place before the problem ever arose! By the end of the story, Mordecai went from wearing sackcloth and ashes to wearing a crown and royal robes. And his enemy perished on the very gallows he had built for Mordecai.
The evil that Mordecai’s enemy had planned was turned back on his own head. The very thing the enemy planned to use to destroy Mordecai was used to destroy him. Can you say, “Wow God!”? We always talk about brave and courageous Esther, but I can’t help but think that we can learn a lot from her faithful and courageous cousin. This man stood firm in his faith, refused to bow to the enemy, and trusted that God would fight for him. And God did!
I love how God changed everything for him! He went from a man condemned to death, wearing the robes of one in great sorrow and grief to being clothed in royal robes with a crown placed on his head. Does this remind you of anyone you know? Beloved, if you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you have experienced this very thing. You were condemned to die, but when you placed your faith in Jesus Christ, He gave you eternal life (John 3:15-17).
He took away the filthy robes you were wearing and clothed you in His righteousness (Isaiah 61:10). He has made you a fellow heir with Him (Romans 8:17). Mordecai’s story should touch the heart of every believer because it is our story! Death no longer has any power over the believer; we have been given eternal life in Him. The enemy has no true power over us because Christ has already defeated him (Col. 2:15). Like Haman, the enemy has been defeated.
I love how the book of Esther ends. Verse three of the last chapter says, “Mordecai the Jew was second only to King Ahasuerus, famous among the Jews, and highly popular with many of his relatives. He continued to seek good for his people and to speak for the welfare of all his descendants.” He went from death row to second in command in the kingdom. Beloved, only God could turn things around so dramatically. Aren’t you glad that we serve such an amazing God?!
Aren’t you glad that we serve a God that is “the same yesterday and today and forever” (Heb. 13:8)? This encourages me so much, my friend. This story is one of those stories that plants seeds of hope in my heart because I am reminded that God is still in control. He is working whether I see it yet or not. I can take comfort in knowing that He is still the same God that turns things around when you least expect. I am encouraged by the reminder that He takes care of His children.
Dear heart, I don’t know what struggles you may be facing today, but rest assured, He does. I don’t know what burdens are weighing heavy on your mind, but I promise you, He listens when you pray. Beloved, I don’t know the cause of your “sackcloth and ashes”, but I know that He can give you beauty to replace them (Isaiah 61:3). I urge you to keep praying, keep trusting, and keep holding tightly to His hand. He is working in ways you have yet to see, but believe me, He is working!
I wait for Yahweh; I wait and put my hope in His word. Psalm 130:5
Katrina Douglas
Love this
Thank you, Shane! 💜