If Today Was My Last Day

What would you do if you knew today was your last day? If you knew it was your last day on earth, what would you do differently? How would you spend your last day?

I don’t know much, my friend, but I do know this. If this were my last day on this earth, then I would want to make sure that you knew that Jesus Christ is the answer, He is the hope you need. I would want you to know that the blood of Jesus Christ can save the worst of sinners (Ps. 86:5; Eph. 1:7). I would want you to know that “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9). I would plead with you to accept His offer of salvation and share with you how He has changed my life and given me hope.

If this were my last day, I would want you to know of the hope I have found in my beloved Savior. I would want you to know that He has brought me through every storm I have ever faced and that He will do the same for you. If this were my last day, I would want you to know that this crazy, Jesus-loving girl doesn’t regret one moment of following Him. I would beg you to cast all my failures and mistakes at my feet and assure you that the One I serve is perfect, pure, and worthy of all honor, praise, and glory! I would tell you that as Jim Elliot said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” God is worth everything we can give Him!

I would tell you that the biggest regrets I have are all the time I wasted not serving Him and following Him wholeheartedly like I should have. I would tell you that the best thing I ever did was deciding to surrender all to Him and follow where He led. I would tell you that choosing Him over everything is the best choice you will ever make. I would tell you that you will never regret a moment spent in His presence or in His Word. I would tell you to cling to Him and stand firm on His Word and never compromise what you know to be true. I would tell you to have the courage to fight “the good fight of faith” (1 Tim. 6:12), trusting Him to help you stand firm.

If today were my last day, I would urge you to count your blessings every single day. I would urge you to look for the things you have to be grateful for, because, my friend, you truly do have much to be thankful for. I would urge you to fully live in each moment, grateful for the chance to see another day. I would remind you how beautiful you are and what a gift life is. I would remind you that you are loved beyond anything you could imagine, and I would ask you to live each day remembering that. I would ask you to live loved, continuously reminding yourself of His great love for you, and then, I would ask you to give that same love to others. Yes, my friend, if this were my last day, these are the things, I would want to say to you. So, just in case, I’m saying them to you now…

  • Katrina Douglas

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