I have a habit of copying Scriptures that I am studying, trying to memorize, or simply just need to remember. I usually have them written on index cards or small pieces of paper scattered around my home. Sometimes I take Scriptures and personalize them and either use them as a prayer or as a reminder to myself. One of the passages I have done this to is Psalm 112:7-8. “She will have no fear of bad news; her heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD. Her heart is secure, she will have no fear, in the end she will look in triumph on her foes.”
I saw this Scripture that I have clung to for years now a few days ago, and I found myself realizing something. All these years, I have been holding to this Scripture, hoping and praying that no bad news would come, but that’s not what has happened. Bad news has come. Hard times have come. However, as I looked at this Scripture, truth smacked me right in the forehead. These Scriptures don’t promise that bad news won’t come. These Scriptures say I will have no fear of bad news. Twice in fact, it mentions having no fear.
This passage of Scripture doesn’t say bad news won’t come; it says you don’t have to fear bad news. It tells me that my heart can be steadfast; my heart can be secure. How? This is only possible when a person is fully trusting in the LORD. I do not have to fear bad news when my trust is in the Lord. My heart is secure when my trust is anchored in Him. This means that I don’t fear bad news because I am secure in Him. It means that when bad news comes, it cannot shake me because He is with me, and He will hold me steady.
It’s not that bad news won’t come; it’s knowing that He is with us if it does, that gives us courage. This passage is a challenge to trust Him wholeheartedly while firmly believing that because He is in control, you have nothing to fear. When we learn to fear and revere Him above all else, all other fears fade in comparison. No matter what many of the popular “preachers” may tell you, He has not promised us an easy life full of nothing but blessings. This life is not an easy one and the truth is that there will be times when bad news will come.
However, His Word assures us that He is with us and will walk through every valley with us. “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” Isaiah 41:10. Throughout Scripture, we are reminded of the important truth that we have nothing to fear because He is with us. His presence is what gives us courage. His presence is what gives us strength. We can face hard things without fear because He will be with us; He will help us.
I have seen and known the truth of this. He does indeed walk through difficulties with us. He walks with us and when we go to Him for strength, we find it. There is a peace that can be found in His presence that cannot be adequately described; it must be experienced. I can say from the bottom of my heart that He has carried me through everything that I thought was going to destroy me. He has walked with me through everything that I thought would break me. And honestly, a few things did shatter me, but He refused to let them break me.
Dear heart, may I whisper a few words of encouragement to you? You do not have to fear bad news. Choose faith over fear. Don’t allow the enemy to steal your joy by keeping you fearful and anxious, worrying over bad news that might come! (Statistics show that most of the things we worry about never even happen!) Worry is a thief, one that I have known intimately. I am grateful for this reminder that I don’t have to fear bad news. Honestly, if you know me very well, you know just how close to home this hit. I NEEDED this reminder!
I have no need to fear the future. My future is in His hands. I can trust Him. I have no need to fear bad news. He is with me, no matter what comes. And here’s where it gets a little harder and a whole lot more painfully truthful. I have to remember this. IF the bad news comes, He will be there. He will carry me through just like He always has. By spending so much time fearing what “might” come, I am wasting precious time and energy. I need to choose to lay it all down at His feet and choose to walk by faith while refusing to let what I see dictate my attitude.
I will never spend one moment without Him by my side helping me. I have no reason to fear and every reason to be courageously joyful. I am His child. He is always with me. I have His Holy Spirit, the same One that raised Jesus from the dead, (Rom. 8:11) living inside me. He has promised to provide all that I need. He has promised to be my strength and my peace. Someday, I will spend eternity with Him. I have a million reasons to be joyful! Why am I letting the enemy steal my joy by tempting me to live in fear of bad news, aka the “what ifs”?!
Beloved, I hope you have been challenged and encouraged to stop fearing bad news and live by faith instead. I pray that you have been encouraged to cast aside all the what ifs that hold you captive and choose instead to just trust Him. And, beloved, if you are dealing with the bad news you never wanted to face, I am stopping now to pray for you. And I want you to know that He is with you, and He will not leave you in this valley. He will walk through it with you and hold you close to His side every step of the way. You are going to make it through!
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
I sought the LORD, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4
See also: Deut. 31:6; Psalm 23:4; 27:1; Phil. 4:6-7
Katrina Douglas