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His Whispers

This morning I was reading from the book of Job and verse fourteen of chapter twenty-six sort of stopped me in my tracks. I honestly had to stop and reread it several times while I allowed what it was saying to sink deep into my heart. I would like to share the verse with you, my friend, and I hope it speaks to you as much as it did to me. “Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways, and how small a whisper we hear of Him! But the thunder of His power who can understand?” Job was saying that the incredible wonders of creation were but a whisper from God! He was saying that all this magnificence was but a mere whisper from God and just imagine if He thundered?!!!

Okay, I hope that you find this verse as amazing as I did! I think I have found a new favorite verse! Just think for a moment, my friend, of the most incredible, the most amazing, the absolutely most beautiful thing you have ever seen on this planet. That was just a whisper from God! The gorgeous sunrise with the sky painted the most majestic colors, just a whisper! The ocean waves crashing to the shore as the sun set behind them, just a whisper. That towering mountain peak covered by the purest, whitest snow, another whisper. That precious newborn that took your breath the first time you laid eyes on them, another whisper. All of this, just a whisper from God!

All of this, Job says is just the mere edges of our God, just a mere whisper of His awesome power! I don’t know about you, but I am completely amazed at the thought of that. All of this beautiful creation is but a whisper from God, my friend, just a whisper. Would you like to know what He is whispering, dear heart? He is whispering, “I love you!” All this was His way of whispering, “I love you, My child.” Each sunrise and sunset whispers of His love. Every beautiful flower, another whisper of His love for you. The waves that kiss the shore are whispering that you are loved. The mountains that tower high in the sky are a whisper of the immensity of His love for you.

Whisper after whisper from God, day after day to remind you that He loves you! What a beautiful thought! As I sat here contemplating all the beautiful whispers that I love so much, I had a lump in my throat as I realized how many times, I have taken those whispers for granted. How many times have I allowed the noise of the world around me drown out the beautiful whispers of His love? Oh Lord, make me more sensitive to the sound of Your whispers! Help me to hear those whispers more clearly as they speak to me about the love You have for me. Let the truth of Your love sink deep into my soul so that I live and walk in the truth that I am deeply and greatly loved by You!

As I thought about what the whispers of God meant, I realized something, my friend. I realized that yes, God whispered this world into existence but there was this one time that God shouted. Yes, one time, my friend, God shouted so loud that it shook all of creation and changed the world for all eternity. One day, one dark day on a hill called Calvary He shouted three words for all the world to hear. “It is finished!” It. Is. Finished. That shout, beloved, declared God’s love louder than any whisper of His had ever done! That shout was the ultimate cry of “I love you!” That shout declared that He loved you so much that He was willing to die for you.

After all the whispers, He came to shout it so loudly that we could not miss it that we are loved. How could you ever want to turn away from a love like that? How could you not love Him back? “We love Him because He first loved us” 1 John 4:19. Look around, my friend, no matter what your circumstances are, you still have at least a million reasons to love Him. He has whispered in a billion ways how much He loves you, and if that was not enough, He shouted it from Calvary’s hill! You are so loved, my friend! I don’t know what troubles are weighing you down today but one thing I do know. You are loved. You are so loved, my beloved friend!

And another thought has occurred to me, dear heart. If He could do all of this with just a whisper, what could He do if He whispered into your heart and life? What do you need to hear Him whisper to you today, my friend? Whatever it is, beloved, I hope that you will lean in closer and listen as He whispers to your heart today. Let the whispers of His love wrap around you like a warm blanket. Let the whispers of His love soothe your soul. Let the whispers of His love sink deep within your heart. My beloved, if you just knew how loved you are you would know that no matter what, everything is going to be okay! His love is going to carry you through, no matter what comes!

My friend, I am typing this with tears flowing because I wish so desperately that I could sit with you, hold your hand, look you in the eye and whisper these words to your heart… You are loved. I don’t think you truly realize how deeply loved you are, my friend. I see that pain hidden deep in your heart, that ache, that insecurity, that shame, that doubt, that fear, and I want so badly to tell you that it’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay, child of God, because you are deeply loved by the One who whispered all of this beauty into place just for you. And, my dear, just in case you have forgotten, you are one of His whispers! You, beautiful one, are one of His whispers!

You are so beautiful, and He is so proud to call you His! He whispered every detail of you into existence. He looks at you and His heart swells with love. Beloved, He loves you and He is always going to love you. He will never stop loving you. He loved you before you were born, and He will love you throughout all of eternity. Every moment of every day, from your first breath and long after your last one, you are loved.  If you could truly grasp hold of that truth, it would change your life! I pray that He will open your eyes and help you to see the whispers of His love all around you. I pray that He will daily remind you that you too, are one of His whispers.

I pray that the whispers of His love will follow you throughout all your days and that each day you will love Him a little more than you did the day before. I pray you will fall madly in love with the One who is madly in love with you. I pray that the truth of how much He loves you shakes you to your core; I pray that it will cause you to love Him and want to serve Him better than you ever have before. I pray that His whispers completely change your life. In fact, may I be so bold as to pray that these words challenge you to look for whispers of His love, that they challenge you to look for ways to love Him better! Oh, my dear, I pray that His whispers will speak to you in ways they never have before!

See also: John 3:16; Romans 5:8; Zeph. 3:17; Jer. 31:3; Rom. 8:37-39

Katrina Douglas

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