Time for Revival

I have always loved babies. I think babies are the most precious of all God’s creation. They are so precious, so innocent, and my heart is always moved by them. I have a small radio in my kitchen that is always set on my local Bott Radio station. I leave it on all day long because of the Christian programming that is continuously playing. I walked into my kitchen earlier and they were discussing abortion. Actually, it was a doctor who had previously performed abortions graphically describing one. It was so horrific, I immediately found myself nauseated and light-headed!

My daughter called for help with her schoolwork as I stood listening and I went to help her. I was still so shaken that she immediately gave me a puzzled look. Before she could ask what was wrong with me, I distracted her by asking what she needed help with. Like most people, I have heard the stories before, but this one really got me. I am a writer; I have a very vivid imagination. Therefore, when you describe something, I see it! As I sit here typing, I find I am still struggling with the nausea from hearing what he said. All I can think of is this. How can there be people out there who could do such a thing?!

Please hear my heart! I speak not in judgement but with great sorrow, my friend. My heart hurts to know that a person can become so… so… I don’t even know how to describe it! And maybe it doesn’t matter because I think what concerns me most is this. Have we become desensitized to sin? Have we become so accustomed to evil that it doesn’t affect us like it should? Yes, we may “know” it is wrong but does that knowledge compel us to act? Are we grieved over the sin that is so rampant in our society? Are we on our knees crying out to God about it? Or have we become to accustomed to it?

My friend, as I listened to this former abortionist describe the horrors of his job, I found myself wanting to run away from his words. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say! It is hard to know that such evil exists. It makes you uncomfortable. It is one thing to know something is wrong; it is another thing to be reminded just how terribly evil it really is! And the truly horrible thing about it is the sad reality of something I was reminded of this week. If all the people who claimed to be Christians got out and voted Biblically, our country wouldn’t be allowing some of the things we have been allowing!

Scriptures teach us that life begins in the womb (Ps. 139:13-16; Jer. 1:5; Job 31:15) and that murder is wrong (Exodus 20:13), so I’m not here to debate whether or not abortion is wrong. I believe that a woman’s choice comes before conception. I believe a baby in the womb deserves the same right to life as a baby outside the womb. And after what I just heard; I am reminded just how much we as a nation must be grieving the heart of God by the things we are allowing to happen. And believe me, abortion is not the only thing being done in America that should be repented of!

Like Ezra we should cry out, “O my God, I am too ashamed and humiliated to lift up my face to You, my God; for our iniquities have risen higher than our heads, and our guilt has grown up to the heavens” (Ezra 9:6). My friend, if we don’t stand up for the Word of God, who will? If we don’t speak out for those who can’t, who will? Perhaps even now, He is looking for one who will “stand in the gap” before Him (Ezekiel 22:30). Beloved, I think it is time for the God-fearing men and women of America to stand in the gap and cry out to Him on behalf of our nation!

If you claim to belong to Him, if you know anything about what the Bible calls sin, you cannot look around this country and not see that “our guilt has grown up to the heavens”! I love my country and I am tremendously grateful to have been born in America. However, I know that America has come a long way since beginning as a Christian nation. (And yes, if you accurately study our history, you will find we were indeed founded as a Christian nation.) I think it’s time we remembered that! I think it’s time for the people of God to cry out to God on behalf of our nation. I think its time for revival!

Thus says the LORD: “Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths,

where the good way is, and walk in it; then you will find rest for your souls…

Jeremiah 6:16

But this is what I commanded them, saying, ‘Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.’         Jeremiah 7:23

Let us search out and examine our ways, and turn back to the LORD; Let us lift our hearts

And hands to God in heaven. Lamentations 3:40-41

Turn us back to You, O LORD, and we will be restored; renew our days as of old, Lam. 5:21

My friend, will you join me in praying for our great nation?

Katrina Douglas


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